SRI Observatory


Implementing body

The Ministry for Ecological Transition is the French EPBD implementing body.

  • Official test phase finalised
  • Official test phase in progress
  • Official test phase not requested
01 Overall assessment
02 Coordination
03 Timeline
04 Description of activities

Overall assessment of SRI test phase

  • Official test phase finalised
  • Official test phase in progress
  • Official test phase not requested

Coordination of SRI test phase

France participated in the European Working Group B that supported the development of the SRI calculation methodology in 2018. Then, it volunteered to the non-committal test phase after the first call for expression of interest sent by the European Commission to all Member States in October 2021.
The French test phase was led by the Ministry for Ecological Transition  with the support of CEREMA.
A follow-up of the official test phase is conducted by the SRI2MARKET project under the coordination of R2M Solutions France.

Timeline of SRI test phase

The non-committal test phase started in Q3 2022 and finished in Q1 2024.

Activities carried out during the SRI test phase

The approach was to stay close to the common methodology with small adaptions, mainly in terms of mandatory domain definitions, implementation for connectivity and interoperability and weightings adoption to the building configuration. There is a strong intention of coordinating EPCs and the SRI.
The assessments during the test phase were performed by eligible EPC assessors that were recruited and trained for this goal by CEREMA. The target was to assess at least 30 buildings as a first step in order to determine if and how the experimentation could be continued.

A follow-up of the official test phase is conducted by the SRI2MARKET project with a target to assess 200 buildings (no certificates delivered).

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