SRI Observatory


Implementing body

The BAFA – Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control is the EPBD implementing body in Germany.

  • Official test phase finalised
  • Official test phase in progress
  • Official test phase not requested
01 Overall assessment
02 Coordination
03 Timeline
04 Description of activities

Overall assessment of SRI test phase

  • Official test phase finalised
  • Official test phase in progress
  • Official test phase not requested

Coordination of SRI test phase

The test phase incorporates research by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. It recently started and there is not additional information publicly available.

The following LIFE projects are carrying out activities in the country: Smart Square.

Timeline of SRI test phase

The test phase recently started and there is not additional information publicly available.

Activities carried out during the SRI test phase

The test phase investigates the potential of the SRI and how the methodology should be adapted to the German real estate industry. In addition, a digital infrastructure for the simple calculation of the SRI is to be created and tested. The test phase incorporates the research project of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. The project includes leading companies in the German real estate industry and aims at non-residential and multi-family buildings. Practical experience as well as relevant studies regarding in particular the deployment of smart grids and smart metering systems will be incorporated.


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