SRI Observatory


Implementing body

The ADENE – Agência para a Energia is the EPBD implementing body in Portugal.

  • Official test phase finalised
  • Official test phase in progress
  • Official test phase not requested
01 Overall assessment
02 Coordination
03 Timeline
04 Description of activities

Overall assessment of SRI test phase

  • Official test phase finalised
  • Official test phase in progress
  • Official test phase not requested

Coordination of SRI test phase

The SRI test phase in Portugal is led by the ADENE – Agência para a Energia on behalf of the Energy Efficiency Division of the Directorate-General for Energy and Geology within the context of the LIFE project SRI2MARKET.

Timeline of SRI test phase

The test phase officially stated on 1 November 2024, and it is expected to last until October 2025, leveraging previous work already performed within the scope of the LIFE project SRI2MARKET

Activities carried out during the SRI test phase

The test phase makes use of the Portuguese version of the SRI2MARKET e-learning service and SRI evaluation tool . All types of buildings and Portuguese climate zones are targeted. All aspects of the technical framework for SRI calculation will be tested. Some specific adaptations for the Portuguese context may also be evaluated (weighting factors, the definition of mandatory domains to be assessed per type of building in line with the EPC system, and coherence with the BACS standard as depicted in national EPC legislation).

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